J3DWorkbench 3.4.0
J3DWorkbench 3.4.0  | Size: 26.70MB

3DWorkbench (J3DWB) is an open source, 3D visualization, simulation, and game design application for your desktop or workstation. J3DWB is a highly-intuitive ´WYSIWYG´ tool, allowing you to import 3D objects & terrains in a variety of formats, animate them, add effects and behaviors.

Scenes and simulations can be played back with the tool, or delivered by HTTP to a web page with Java Webstart. No programming is necessary.

Integrates Java3D and the RCP framework from Eclipse using SWT_AWT. Drag-&-Drop editing of a complex Java3D scene graph. Fast 3D prototyping & web delivery.


* Real-time 3D world building
* Fast OpenGL rendering
* Drag-&-drop editing
* Special effects (fire, smoke, water)
* Model import (DAE (Collada), OBJ, DEM, 3DS)
* Java Web Start delivery
* Collision detection
* Medical volume rendering module
* Mouse & keyboard controls
* No programming necessary
* Location tracking module for RFID

System Requirements:

* Requires Java Runtime Environment.
* Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0

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