Shape5 Joomla! Club Template
Template Name: Political | Live Demo | More Info | For Joomla 1.5.x
* 100% tableless CSS
* Validates with XHTML 1.0 Transitional
* Validates with CSS Level 3
* Joomla 1.5 only
* SQL dump available
* New Dynamic Modules
* 31 module positions
* New! S5 Tweets
* Edited frontpage article layout
* Sliced PSDs included
* Site Shaper available (Joomla install that includes demo data)
* Fully collapsible module positions
* Set background images and color via template parameters
* Lytebox enabled
* Tool Tips enabled
* 4 Menu systems:
o Choose style: Drop Down, Fading, Scroll Down or Suckerfish
o Choose script: jQuery, S5 Effects
* Custom page and column widths
* Compatible with the following browsers:
o IE7+
o Firefox 1.5+
o Opera 9+
o Safari
o Advant
o Chrome
1. subscribe
2. banner
3. social
4. donate
5. top_1
6. top_2
7. top_3
8. above_body_1
9. above_body_2
10. above_body_3
11. left
12. search
13. advert1
14. advert2
15. advert3
16. right
17. breadcrumb
18. user1
19. user2
20. joomla main body
21. inset
22. contentbottom1
23. contentbottom2
24. contentbottom3
25. user3
26. user4
27. user5
28. user6
29. user7
30. user8
31. bottom
32. debug
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