Video Training | HF | 156Mb

Created exclusively for Pixar, this Artist’s Guide to RenderMan for Maya 3.0 is a great course for new users of this powerful rendering system. This course will cover the steps needed to load the plug-in, render your images and take control of the final quality of the render. Best of all it is a free course sponsored by Digital-Tutors and Pixar.

Introduction and Project Overview

This video is an overview of what we will cover in this course.

Loading the Plugin and Rendering

In this lesson we will learn how to load the RenderMan for Maya plug-in and render our first image

Render time subdivision of polygon surfaces

We will cover the powerful system of sub-dividing your polygon surface during the rendering phase.

Rendering curves

In this lesson we will cover the workflow of rendering curves as geometry.

Shared Geometric Attributes

To keep our scene efficient and light we will use SGA as a way of managing all of our custom attributes we have set.

Constructive Solid Geometry – CSG

In this lesson we will dissect the process of setting up render time booleans.

Soft shadows with area lights

This lesson will cover the process of adding soft shadow attributes to the area light.

Rendering multiple passes

In this lesson we will go over the process of rendering multiple passes out of RenderMan for Maya.

Rendering muliple cameras for stereo

This lesson will teach you how to render multiple cameras for use in a stereo composite.

Adding custom attributes per object

In this lesson we will learn how to keep the scene efficient by only adding attributes to objects that need them.

Using Zbrush displacements

In this lesson we will render a Zbrush created displacement map.
