Line 6 Pod Farm Platinum v2.5 Mac OSX (AU, VST, 2011) | 210 MB
POD Farm Platinum 05.02 – high-quality plug-ins that let you work in any DAW sound of famous guitar instrumentation POD.Each plug has an arsenal of well-known amps and effectscreated with excellent quality. You will find plenty of vintage andmodern amplifiers, cabinets, effects, studio-quality, classic pedals andcolorful preamps, just more than 250 models with this meat sound.
Easyto use browser provides quick access to presets. Dark and smokyAmerican combos, crazy gain British stack and its not all. Simply dragmodel in a chain of signals and build your sound right.
AdvancedRouting with a flexible DSP provides a wider range of tones. Split yourguitar signal and create two separate channels sound simultaneously.Create a powerful sound, sending up to 20 models of FX (10 on a chain)in any order, before or after your amps and cabinets. Manage the twochains with a virtual field A / B / Y.
POD Farm 2.5 Platinum has a full MIDI support via any MIDI-controller.
PODFarm 2.5 Platinum continues to revolutionize the field of recording,begun more than a decade ago, Line 6 Amp Farm , which forever changedthe way guitarists record.
From myself – a marketing department zeloworked on the text)) However, for these plug immediately found a placein my projects, unlike many other emulators guitar tracts …
Description English:
PODFarm 2.5 and POD Farm 2.5 Platinum are premium tone plug-ins thatadd world-renowned POD tone to any DAW. They are packed with extensivemodel counts for guitarists, bassists and vocalists, and deliverlightning-fast workflows.
Each plug-in boasts an arsenal of historicamps and effects, the kinds gear fantasies are made of. They featureplenty of vintage and modern amps, cabs, studio-standard effects,classic stompboxes and colorful preamps.
POD Farm 2.5 Platinumprovides an astonishing collection of more than 250 meaty models. PODFarm 2.5 offers hand-picked essentials that no recording guitaristshould be without.
The simple, carousel-style gear browser puts everylast model at your fingertips. Dark and smoky American combos,gain-crazed British stacks and beyond. Just drag-and-drop models intothe signal flow and build the perfect sound.
Enhanced routing withflexible DSP (digital signal processing) allows for a broader range oftones. Split your guitar signal and create two separate and simultaneousamp and effect signal chains with one click. Create a huge sound byrouting up to 20 FX models (10 per chain) in any order, before or afteryour amp and cab models. You can even add post-cabinet mic preamps!Control the both chains with the virtual A / B / Y box.
POD FarmElements will streamline your workflow and conserve CPU horsepower. Theyare plug-ins that contain POD Farm models grouped together by effecttype. Instead of loading multiple instances of POD Farm 2.5, choose amodular approach and load single amps, preamps or effects.
POD Farm2.5 and POD Farm 2.5 Platinum offer full MIDI support via any MIDIcontroller. We recommend Line 6 FBV Shortboard MkII and FBV Express MkII foot controllers. Intuitive MIDI Learn functionality makes it easyto control model bypass, volume, mute, global tap tempo, the virtual A /B / Y box and more.
POD Farm 2.5 and POD Farm 2.5 Platinum continuethe recording revolution sparked over a decade ago by Line 6 Amp Farm ,the studio-standard modeling plug-in that forever changed the wayguitarists record.
Date: 2011
Version: 2.5
Developer: Line 6
Platform: Intel Only
SystemRequirements: Mac AU / RTAS / VST compatible for seamlessIntegration with all major recording applications. 64-bit support forcompatible DAWs including Cubase 5, Reaper 3.71, SONAR 8.x orSONAR X1, Logic 9.2 and others.
Language: English only[/center]
AdvancedRouting with a flexible DSP provides a wider range of tones. Split yourguitar signal and create two separate channels sound simultaneously.Create a powerful sound, sending up to 20 models of FX (10 on a chain)in any order, before or after your amps and cabinets. Manage the twochains with a virtual field A / B / Y.
POD Farm 2.5 Platinum has a full MIDI support via any MIDI-controller.
PODFarm 2.5 Platinum continues to revolutionize the field of recording,begun more than a decade ago, Line 6 Amp Farm , which forever changedthe way guitarists record.
From myself – a marketing department zeloworked on the text)) However, for these plug immediately found a placein my projects, unlike many other emulators guitar tracts …
Description English:
PODFarm 2.5 and POD Farm 2.5 Platinum are premium tone plug-ins thatadd world-renowned POD tone to any DAW. They are packed with extensivemodel counts for guitarists, bassists and vocalists, and deliverlightning-fast workflows.
Each plug-in boasts an arsenal of historicamps and effects, the kinds gear fantasies are made of. They featureplenty of vintage and modern amps, cabs, studio-standard effects,classic stompboxes and colorful preamps.
POD Farm 2.5 Platinumprovides an astonishing collection of more than 250 meaty models. PODFarm 2.5 offers hand-picked essentials that no recording guitaristshould be without.
The simple, carousel-style gear browser puts everylast model at your fingertips. Dark and smoky American combos,gain-crazed British stacks and beyond. Just drag-and-drop models intothe signal flow and build the perfect sound.
Enhanced routing withflexible DSP (digital signal processing) allows for a broader range oftones. Split your guitar signal and create two separate and simultaneousamp and effect signal chains with one click. Create a huge sound byrouting up to 20 FX models (10 per chain) in any order, before or afteryour amp and cab models. You can even add post-cabinet mic preamps!Control the both chains with the virtual A / B / Y box.
POD FarmElements will streamline your workflow and conserve CPU horsepower. Theyare plug-ins that contain POD Farm models grouped together by effecttype. Instead of loading multiple instances of POD Farm 2.5, choose amodular approach and load single amps, preamps or effects.
POD Farm2.5 and POD Farm 2.5 Platinum offer full MIDI support via any MIDIcontroller. We recommend Line 6 FBV Shortboard MkII and FBV Express MkII foot controllers. Intuitive MIDI Learn functionality makes it easyto control model bypass, volume, mute, global tap tempo, the virtual A /B / Y box and more.
POD Farm 2.5 and POD Farm 2.5 Platinum continuethe recording revolution sparked over a decade ago by Line 6 Amp Farm ,the studio-standard modeling plug-in that forever changed the wayguitarists record.
Date: 2011
Version: 2.5
Developer: Line 6
Platform: Intel Only
SystemRequirements: Mac AU / RTAS / VST compatible for seamlessIntegration with all major recording applications. 64-bit support forcompatible DAWs including Cubase 5, Reaper 3.71, SONAR 8.x orSONAR X1, Logic 9.2 and others.
Language: English only[/center]
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