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Browsing Posts in Flash Templates

Envato/ActiveDen – Ultimate Flash OOP Bundle – RETAIL

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ActiveDen – CMS XL Template (Full)
FLA | SWF | XML | PSD | 118.1 Mb

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Fire Intro

This is a very easy to update XML Intro/Banner , with fire &meteor particle animations.

You can create your own theme , for example you can load another background image(or SWF ) , and you can use any other shapes as particles(snow , leaf, etc.) instead of fire/meteor particles.

A very descriptive help file included with the purchase.
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Liquid 2 – AS3 XML Template with DeepLinking (Awesome Template)

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ActiveDen - PV3D Template with 3D Gallary
ActiveDen – PV3D Template with 3D Gallary
SWF | XML | 212.2 Mb

XML driven 3D template, config your 3D animation via XML , you can put your page or module at any position in a real 3D world. you can compile this file with the FLash CS3 or FlashBuilder


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