FLA | SWF | XML | 1 Mb
Code is highly optimized for maximum speed and lowest memory usage, overall performances are not affected by total number of items but only depends on amount of thumbnails displayed at the same time.
Component also supports runtime resizing: layout, background and thumbnails will adapt to available window size.
Thumbnails list is looped, browsing is allowed trough mouse wheel, scroll bar and prev/next page buttons.
All configuration is done using either flashVars or external XML so you won t need FLASH IDE to make customizations:
* thumbnails size, spacing, frame style and highlight mode
* caption and scroll bar style/position
* text formatted using editable CSS rules; no embedded fonts since they can be loaded from external font packages
Can be used standalone and directly embedded in HTML pages or as a plug-in to be included in larger project
Pure Actionscript 3.0 OO design, extensively tested in Flex Profiler, comes as:
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