Delcam for SolidWorks 2010-2011 MULTi (x86/x64) | 235.8 MB
Genre: Graphics & Design
Thecompany Delcam plc, is a leader in the development of CAM-systems, hasofficially announced that the upcoming early in Februarys annualSolidWorks World 2010 in California (USA), she will present the firstversion of its new CAM-System for SolidWorks Delcam , fully integratedinto the CAD-system of SolidWorks.
Delcam for SolidWorks is based on sound andproven processing algorithms implemented in the CAM-systems PowerMILLand FeatureCAM, and inherited the best qualities of these products havegained great popularity throughout the world. Currently Delcam over 30thousand customers, which employs more than 300 offices in 80 countries.
FromPowerMILL CAM-system product Delcam for SolidWorks has inherited anextremely high rate of generation of NC programs for CNC machines and afull range of high-speed machining strategies, including here trochoidalroughing, finishing and spiral Delcams patented technique of milling onthe fast trajectories (Race-Line Machining ). Taken together, thesestrategies allow to increase routing performance to ensure maximum toollife and achieve impeccable quality finishing, even when milling complexmachined high-strength materials.
At the same time, CAM-systemDelcam for SolidWorks has the same ease of use, like FeatureCAM, basedon the automatic recognition of processed items and knowledge baseprocessing modes. The product Delcam for SolidWorks is also implementedrecognition technology design and technological elements, but now usesinformation directly from the tree construction CAD-system ofSolidWorks. As a result, Delcam for SolidWorks not only recognizes theholes or pockets, but also automatically groups similar items by sizeand type. Also, now in their pockets are automatically recognized bycasting biases, fillets and chamfers. Once the design-technologicalelement is recognized in Delcam for SolidWorks, CAM-system willautomatically choose the most suitable of the available tools, willappoint a strategy of processing and cutting conditions.
Ofcourse, CAM-system Delcam for SolidWorks is fully integrated into theshell of CAD-systems SolidWorks, so that these programs for differentpurposes and the developers will appear as an indivisible whole. Interms of functional achieved full associativity, nevertheless, anychanges in the 3D-model will result in automatic recalculation of UE forCNC machine. We emphasize that this associativity is implemented muchbetter than other CAM-systems, as by the change of details in Delcam forSolidWorks will automatically re-select the most appropriate tool forprocessing and re-appointed to the recommended strategies and cuttingconditions. In other CAM-systems for SolidWorks associativity means onlya simple recalculation of the trajectories of UP under the old tool.
AllNC programs generated by Delcam for SolidWorks can be fully tested on acomputer screen in the absence of collisions and desperately in aspecial unit before they are sent to the CNC. Note also that the companyDelcam plc is actively cooperating with many leading manufacturers ofmachine tools, so the product Delcam for SolidWorks will be suppliedwith an extensive set of post-processor.
Year/Date of Release: 2011
Developer: Delcam plc
Compatibility with Vista: complete
Compatible with Windows 7: full
Language: Multilingual
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